Having sprung up probably in the
6th century, it was populated,
round about the year one
thousand, by a group of nobles
from the Maritime Republic of
Amalfi who had rebelled against
the authority of the Doge. The
rebels made a good choice when
choosing the site in which to
built their refuge: Ravello
rises in an easily defendable
The history of Ravello was
strictly connected with the
glorious and tormented history
of the Maritime Republic of
Amalfi, whose lot she followed.
Its economic and political
decline began in the Norman
period and became dramatic in
the course of the seventeenth
century: having lost its
prosperous economy, Ravello had
only... all the rest: an
incomparable position from the
naturalistic point of view and
architectural and artistic
marvels built during the
centuries of splendour.
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